FIRST LOOK: Storm System To Impact Arizona on Wednesday Into Thursday, Thunderstorm Dynamics Lining Up For Western Half Of The State


Hello again everyone. I am 90% better and able to get back to work now after I was majorly sick. Well no click-bait there huh. I practically put the entire forecast in one sentence so what do I say now? A storm exiting Southern California by Wednesday will bring a dose of heavy rain, some mountain snow, and thunderstorms to parts of Arizona. Find out where you stand by reading on.

Welcome back to Arizona Weather Force. A system dragging a jet-stream through Northern Baja, Mexico and into Southeast Arizona will put the Western half of the state under the strongest lifting zone. This strong lifting will bring the heavy rain and chance of thunderstorms to that region, which does include Yuma, Phoenix, and along the Colorado River Valley areas, with snow-levels on the rim between 5,500 and 6,000 FT. Really I’m not so sure what to put for them this far out but I would venture a possible Winter Storm Watch by Monday along the rim at and above the snow-level already mentioned.

To put it east, the western half of the state including from the Utah to Mexico border latitude means you will get the strongest part of the system will areas east like Tucson and Sanford’s forecast zones get far less. Being this is a Wednesday start, details with it will be held until Monday so this is just your first look at the dynamics and location of the system.