Saturday and Sunday Thunderstorm Risk for Arizona Merged


Saturday and Sunday Thunderstorm Risk for Arizona Merged. – Share to inform, Tag family/friend below to notify.

This is short and sweet and I’m not bothering with an article right now. I have a tornado outbreak to work on for Tornado Alley and these are garden variety thunderstorms.

Saturday (Today) – An upper level low situated in Southern Arizona will move through and place Southeast Arizona including Tucson, Tombstone, Willcox in upper divergence. With the clear skies this morning, instability has developed and scattered to numerous thunderstorms are expected for you today (RED ZONE) – This is a thunderstorm watch.
Phoenix (GOLD ZONE) – You are in the isolated to scattered storm region, meaning Tucson will see more than you and you will see more of a hit and miss fashion. Therefore in Arizona Weather Force alert terms this is a weather advisory not a thunderstorm watch.

Sunday – The large trough carved across the United States that will produce a tornado outbreak from TX,LA,AR,MS,AL, will bring an area of vorticty through starting from west over Las Vegas, and eventually running the Kingman, then FLAGSTAFF and into New Mexico. A very thin strip of storms with this dynamic area is expected to the I-40 corridor will see thunderstorms. This is a Thunderstorm Watch alert in Arizona Weather Force alert glossary.

Monday – Not pictured, the magenta strip over Northern Arizona may sink a bit further, allowing for a reintroduction of thunderstorms across West/Central/East Arizona, which would include the Central/North Maricopa County locations. It’ll be watched.

That is it – Have a nice weekend and wish me luck on producing that tornado forecast at National Weather Force – I’ll be busy all weekend …

Senior Meteorologist – ⚡️🇺🇸