Severe Weather Statement Issued For Southwest AZ and Phoenix Metro For Monday’s Risk Of Severe Thunderstorms, Including Isolated Tornadoes


Here we go again Arizona Weather Force viewers, a system capable of producing isolated tornado risks will happen on Monday, and Arizona Weather Force has issued a Severe Weather Statement for the Southwest half of Arizona, which does include and center the Phoenix Metro areas.  Read on for details …

A potent system coming out of Southern California on Monday will drag a frontal zone through San Diego before sunrise and head eastward through there.  The upper-level dynamics will catch up with the frontal zone in Western Arizona along the CO River Valley and ignite more storms there.  This will move eastward towards the Phoenix Metro areas over the morning, probably mid to late morning.  As it does so, southerly flow (you’ll notice the gusty winds) out ahead of it, with building instability, will make it possible for thunderstorms to form.  Out of those thunderstorms, low and upper shear is more than enough for storm rotation.  The AZWF Tornado Model shows a weak category, but what else can you ask for in Arizona?

Weak tornadoes are possible in the Phoenix Metro areas on Monday.  If additional forecasts need to be issued, they will be so stay tuned to Arizona Weather Force for updates.  The previous article did mention thunderstorms through this event, but this is just an update.
To view the rain/snow in the previous article, CLICK HERE

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