Double Chance To See Starlink Satellite (UFO) Train Tonight and Monday Morning; Maps and Details Across Arizona


In just over 300 kilometers up, SpaceX Starlink 27 constellation launched two weeks ago is the newest one to fly overhead and a sighting in Wisconsin and Ohio last night of the same row says one or both of these passes will be visible with one happening tonight (Sunday) and the other early Monday morning so read on for details and see the maps as this is a must not miss event that I myself was in awe to see a couple of weeks ago …

Launched two weeks ago, SpaceX’s newest constellation of satellites passed over the Midwest last night, sparking numerous UFO reports to 911.  Yes, people do call 911 for these satellite trains.  Before the satellites are boosted to their final orbits, they follow each other by seconds, easily visible in the sky.  Tonight’s opportunity brings them directly over the Imperial Valley and Northwest/North Arizona.  Using the map below, if you are left of the overhead line, they will be to your east near the Moon.  If to the left they will be to your west away from the Moon.  The timing of this is just after 8:20 pm.  You can begin looking after then, maximizing between 8:23 pm and 8:30 pm for this to fully pass from southwest to northeast. Some twilight along with the Moonlight may make this pass hard to see for most of Arizona, however, it is worth a shot.

SUNDAY NIGHT BETWEEN 8:20 AND 8:30 PM – Map Below Is Clickable –  Left of the overhead line is west, Right is to the east.

The pass on Monday morning is very early but would be worth it to set your alarm and see it.  The weather will be 100% clear.  This especially would look excellent directly over the CO River Valley and Flagstaff.

MONDAY MORNING BETWEEN 4:20 AND 4:30 AM – Map Below Is Clickable –  Left of the overhead line is west, Right is to the east.

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Remember:  Micro-climate alerts will be issued over the premium email alert system.  FB groups have been shut down from posting because FB sees my multi-posting as spamming and their ‘robot’ is preventing me from continuing. emailed custom weather alerts can be signed up for on the AZWF website if you need them –