Long Range Weather Advisory: Eastern Pacific Upswing Tropical Activity to Impact Arizona Week of August 20th, 2023


Arizona Weather Force has issued a Long Range Weather Advisory.  Tropical activity is on the rise in the Eastern Pacific with a number of tropical systems that will turn north with the Summer El Nino Pattern and impact the state of Arizona for the early week of August 20th, 2023.

Monsoon activity is remaining in the north, east, and southeast sections of Arizona at the current time.  This is nominal in the monsoon.  The monsoon is measured in Tucson, not anywhere else.  So far Tucson is on average for this time of year, thus the prediction of the monsoon is on track.  What will be happening is the tropics to the south.  Sometime around the early week of August 20th, the ridge to the east will buckle with a trough west of California.  This pattern is indicative of developing hurricanes off Western Mexico and Southern Baja, California.

This would turn the system north into the Southwestern United States, bringing a slew of tropical moisture with it, impacting the Arizona regions, even as far as Southern California, which means all of Arizona will be affected by this.  Arizona Weather Force has officially issued this Long-Range Weather Advisory, so expect it to happen during the early week of August 20th, 2023.

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