Strong Pacific Storm to Impact Arizona This Friday and Saturday; Flooding Expected


Arizona Weather Force is continuing to monitor a strong pacific storm pattern that will bring an upper-level low west of California into Baja and eject into Arizona and the latest Arizona Weather Force Rainfall Forecast Model outputs are intriguing to say the least.

Now the forecast is not too tricky.  I would call this cutoff low a no brainer type system in 100% saying this will cause heavy rain, flooding, and even thunderstorms to the forecast region.

Intermittent off and on showers will be possible across the forecast area Wednesday.  This is out ahead of the heavier storm activity.

Heavier storm activity will hit by Friday and last into Saturday.  Because this cutoff system is digging far south in latitude through Baja, California, you can expect deep tropical moisture that would affect even the Colorado River Valley zones, so yes you in Yuma will get heavy storm activity like everyone else.

Wind is not terribly strong with this as it is a cutoff system and most of the jet stream activity is south into Mexico.

Flood Watches will be issued according to plan, but we are still 5days away from the main event.  Any Thunderstorm Watches will be issued the morning or night of an event scheduled for 12-18 hours away.

SNOW:  The very top of Mt. Baldy Ski Resort will see well over a foot of snow with this as they are extremely high in elevation.  We could see a bit on the rim, including Flagstaff, however it does not look terribly strong as snow-levels will remain rather high and/or drop at the end of the departing system when moisture is lower.

Stay tuned to official forecasts here at Arizona Weather Force.

– Raiden Storm –

Master General Meteorologist – is the Owner and CEO of AZWF, a consulting meteorologist with over 26 years’ experience for over 50 companies, including energy, agriculture, aviation, marine, leisure, and many more areas. He has certs from Mississippi State for broadcast met and Penn State forecasting certs MET 101, 241, 341 and 361 as a meteorologist, but before then was completely self-taught, barely learning a thing from the schools that he did not already know.

NOTE: Alerts are posted on here, be it a tornado watch, etc, and these alerts are issued from this office and nowhere else. At times, which is often, you will see an alert forecast posted on here that you do not see elsewhere.