Driest Monsoon on Record Set to Hit Arizona for Summer 2024, Arizona Weather Force Final Forecast


Arizona Weather Force has issued the final monsoon outlook for the 2024 season, and it is anything but pleasant for most.

Hiking on the heels of 2010, 1988, and 1973, we are looking at a declining El Nino to what might be the strongest La Nina in recorded history.  As such, this will make less hurricanes in the Eastern Pacific, therefore less monsoon activity for Arizona.

And with that, we will conclude the weakest monsoon in a while, along with an extremely prolonged heatwave for Arizona.

Pack it up, this is something I never forecasted before.

– Raiden Storm –

Master General Meteorologist – is the Owner and CEO of AZWF, a consulting meteorologist with over 26 years’ experience for over 50 companies, including energy, agriculture, aviation, marine, leisure, and many more areas. He has certs from Mississippi State for broadcast met and Penn State forecasting certs MET 101, 241, 341 and 361 as a meteorologist, but before then was completely self-taught, barely learning a thing from the schools that he did not already know.

NOTE: Alerts are posted on here, be it a tornado watch, etc, and these alerts are issued from this office and nowhere else. At times, which is often, you will see an alert forecast posted on here that you do not see elsewhere.