Extreme Geomagnetic Storm To Hit a Second Time Overnight Tonight Across Arizona; Northern Lights


Northern lights were visible as far south as Puerto Rico last night, and across Arizona.  They are likely to return again with the next coronal mass ejection arrival between the hours of 10pm and 5am overnight tonight, May 11th, 2024, to sunrise May 12th, 2024, but I am forecasting two main events during that period that no one else is going to say.

More X-flares have happened, so we will be under the chance of seeing the Northern Lights through at least half of this week.

It is recommended you go to a dark sky, away from city lights, with a clear view to the north, down to the horizon.  Your cellphone will be able to catch the lights if in night mode with a 3 to 10 second exposure.

Weather looks to have some clouds in spots across Northern Arizona, with the rest of the state cloudless during the peak times.

– Raiden Storm –

Master General Meteorologist – is the Owner and CEO of AZWF, a consulting meteorologist with over 26 years’ experience for over 50 companies, including energy, agriculture, aviation, marine, leisure, and many more areas. He has certs from Mississippi State for broadcast met and Penn State forecasting certs MET 101, 241, 341 and 361 as a meteorologist, but before then was completely self-taught, barely learning a thing from the schools that he did not already know.

NOTE: Alerts are posted on here, be it a tornado watch, etc, and these alerts are issued from this office and nowhere else. At times, which is often, you will see an alert forecast posted on here that you do not see elsewhere.