Troubleshooting Account Issues For Arizona Weather Force

This is the troubleshoot page that will give many options as no contact form exists into this office.

Last Updated December 6, 2021 at 8:15pm


Q:  How do I become a full member of Arizona Weather Force to receive custom micro-climate email alerts for storms and winds AND view the member section GPS models?
A:  Click here to read on how to become a member and the current rate on the current tier to join.

Q:  I’ve signed up for the account but have not received a login yet.
A:  Sign-ups are manual, not automatic in order to make sure the right accounts go into the system.  Sometimes it can take days depending on whether the site is on vacation and/or the weather is quiet.  Rest assured you will be signed up before any event is seen on the horizon.  Please wait it out.  If it takes too long, keep checking your SPAM folder.

Q:  I received the welcome e-mail but I cannot login.
A:  See the ‘Email Alert Troubleshooting’ below.  Your account login for username and password is by default the e-mail address you signed up for.  Also check and make sure your email address spelling is correct, including any numbers or caps.

Q:  I would like to cancel my account.
A:  You can do this via your own PayPal Account.  This service does not cancel account payments as it is the responsibility of the account owner.  When that processes, the account will be removed.

Q:  Why does your news@ e-mail not reply
A:  That is only for the alert system, no person manages it and no one reads the e-mails from it.  You’ll get an automatic reply every single time.

NEW – Q:  I have tried to reset my password and need assistance to do that.
A:  Yes, that can be done.  You will need to fill a small form out on the contact section.  Click here to do so


Q:  How do I see the current weather articles/alerts/and map for everything issued so far?
A:  The main page has everything issued under the main alert map.  CLICK HERE TO VIEW IT

Q:  How come I don’t see anything from you when others say something is coming.
A:  Believe me, it is there.  Try looking at all the latest front page articles or alerts, read all the wording, and know that long range is my strongest trait.  You WILL hear everything from me before any other source.  If you do not hear from me, then my confidence is low and/or they are going to be wrong and I do not agree with putting any alerts out.

Q: Can I see the member section?
A:  Member section sometimes goes PUBLIC for trial reasons to show how it works.  You must be a member to view it, which contains the GPS models issued during events.  Click here to view it if it is public

Q:  Do you have a way for me to get all of the articles and alerts without the email alert system?
A:  Yes, a couple ways.  Click here for the Facebook Page (only articles), Click here for the Facebook group (all articles AND alerts)

Q:  Why do you turn off commenting on the group on Facebook?
A:  I don’t have the time to monitor spam and/or troll accounts.  I am either busy or away, but pictures/videos submitted will have comments open.

Q:  Do you answer custom forecast questions?
A:  I do not, but sometimes if it is life and death you can TRY on my Facebook Pages

Q:  What about my area?
A:  Please don’t post your city/zip etc on the social media pages.  I supply EVERYTHING in an article/alert..  Even if you do not have a premium account, you have the images and cities within along with the values of the alert such as wind, rain, snow, flood etc. – This system has been designed to be easy to follow and learn, which can be fun.  Facebook also may see many comment replies from me as spam and flag the page/account.  Thanks –

NEWQ:  Why do you charge to be a member and get e-mail alerts or view the member section models?
A:  Nothing is free and I’m not rich.  If I were, I’d offer it free.  However that is not how the world works.  The servers cost a lot, my time costs, my model development costs, and most importantly this service does not allow outside sponsorship due to today’s society in their ‘cancel culture’.  I find it better and more stable to only allowing people to buy a product/service and enjoy that.  All Facebook updates are free and you can check daily into the main website front page and see the same stuff members get emailed to them.

NEW – Q:  Why do you not allow links or other sources posted on your social media comment sections?
A:  I’m all you need.  You are here on my page and looking at my products and forecasts.  Why would I care what another thinks when you have the top mind in weather here already?


  1.  The most common reason is the checkmarks are not set and saved for the zones.  If this is not done, it will never send out.  To do this, sign into your account.  Your default account information for username and password is your email address you signed up with.   Login by CLICKING HERE – Once logged in, go to the blue button that says set your email alerts.  Once in there, set the checkmarks, go to the bottom, hit update preferences and you are in the system.
  2. If you did that and still are not receiving the emails, then it is being put in your spam folder OR it is being blocked by your ISP (internet service provider).  Place in your whitelist or contacts and it will not send to spam or block.
  3. If it is blocking your email, contact your ISP (internet service provider) and tell them email services you are paying for seems to be getting blocked.
  4. To test if your email address is being blocked by your ISP (internet service provider), send a test email to the email address by CLICKING HERE.  If you receive an automatic reply, you are not blocked from the server and are able to receive email as long as you troubleshoot the above steps.
  5. If you want to be a full supporting member to receive zone email alerts, CLICK HERE


  1.  MOST IMPORTANT STEP:  When you enter the member section you will notice something pops up that says “Arizona Weather Force would like to use your device’s location” hit OK/YES and hit Remember Decision.  This will tell your device’s browser to activate the GPS for the following steps.  CLICK HERE TO ENTER THE MEMBER SECTION
  2. The member section will have updated in-office models for wind, rain, snow, or whatever is available.  On the top, it’ll either say GPS enabled or disabled.  If disabled, the bar would be green.  If enabled, it would be red.
  3. Once it turns enabled scroll to the bottom to the tab sections.  The first tab is always ‘latest events’.  The ones next to it will be the models.  If the model is a GPS enabled model it will say so on the tab.  Go into the tab and you will notice a disclaimer.  Hit OK at the bottom and the model image will then pop-up.  The pin would be your location.  The pin also moves with your device.  Always NOTE the VALID date(s).  The key will be on top of the model image itself as will the VALID DATE(S).
  4. That is it, you have now enabled the GPS system for the Arizona Weather Force Models to know what to expect during the valid date(s) where you live, work, or are traveling.
  5. If you want to be a full supporting member to receive zone email alerts AND the GPS system upgrade, CLICK HERE


  1.  Once you’ve activated the system you will see tools within the image.  The first thing you will find is what type of map.  You have a a regular map (map) and a satellite map (satellite).  if you go to either you will see a drop-down that says ‘LABELS’.  This will turn the highways and cities on so you can better navigate it.  This is an important step if the map does not already have it.  You then can zoom into your location to better see where you are in relation to the type of event to come and/or is in progress depending on the VALID DATE(S).

That is it for troubleshooting.  Everything has been covered to assure you know why you are not receiving email alerts and/or not seeing the GPS working.  Review the above.  Thank you.

Arizona Weather Force