Arizona Weather Force has seen the need to add an add-on. The alert system is a business and drives the site, however, I think I can make it so you get notified when an update is posted on Facebook. If you want to see every single update that the main page has, which usually is something that affects most of the state, then sign-up for your free account. This account only serves to get you notified when an update is made on Facebook. So sign-up, complete the captcha, confirm the e-mail, and you’re in the system. This is the best I can do to keep you in the loop and make sure you see the updates that FB algorithm may not show you… Once an update is posted on the main AZWF FB Page, you will receive an e-mail and link to that post…
Hope this helps you – Sign-up below – Oh, and you don’t need to put a first or last name, I don’t care what you put, just the email has to be correct or you won’t receive them –