Don’t Miss It: SpaceX Starlink Satellite String Of Pearls To Move Directly Over Arizona This Evening, Saturday December 4, 2021


In just over 300 kilometers up, A SpaceX Starlink  constellation launched two days ago is the newest one to fly overhead and a sighting in Southern California and Arizona last night of the same row says this pass will be visible with one happening this evening (Saturday) so read on for details and see the map as this is a must not miss event that I completely missed with an overhead pass last night.  Since they were launched only two days ago, get your kids/family/friends out there and see them as they will be extremely close together like a string of pearls.

Launched two days ago, SpaceX’s newest constellation of satellites passed over the Southwest last night, sparking numerous UFO reports to 911.  Yes, people do call 911 for these satellite trains.  Before the satellites are boosted to their final orbits, they follow each other by seconds, easily visible in the sky.  Tonight’s opportunity brings them directly over Phoenix Metro.  Using the map below, if you are left of the overhead line, they will be to your east.  If to the left they will be to your west.  The timing of this is just after 5:55 pm for them to rise and directly over Phoenix at 5:59pm.  Weather looks good for most of the state, but the south and east half may have some high clouds, evident already now ahead of a dry upper level low.  Phoenix however looks clear and good to go.

SATURDAY NIGHT BETWEEN 5:55 AND 5:59 PM – Map Below Is Clickable –  Left of the overhead line is west, Right is to the east.

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