Back to Back Storms To Impact Arizona Through Monday night; Rain and Snowfall Final Forecast Issued Along With Thunderstorm Wording


As per the forecast back on January 7th (Click here to read from SCWF), we would enter a storm pattern the last 10 days of the month, and here we are.  This is a quick statewide view of the rain/snowfall forecast here at Arizona Weather Force so read on for details …

Things to note, Kingman will have snowfall and Prescott will be slammed.  This is a large area of Winter Storm Warning criteria coming.  Other areas do get the risk of thunderstorms with any of the impulses moving through.



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Remember:  Micro-climate alerts will be issued over the premium email alert system.  FB groups have been shut down from posting because FB sees my multi-posting as spamming and their ‘robot’ is preventing me from continuing. emailed custom weather alerts can be signed up for on the AZWF website if you need them –